

One scurvies problems by making them irrelevant because of success. Every surprise is something to be taken seriously. The entire reporting system kind of encourages the neglect of opportunities and surprises, but also it’s fairly easy to …


Performing organizations enjoy what they’re doing. Organizations have a gravity, the weight is constantly being pushed into being problem-focused, and one has to fight it all the time. Not very many organizations are good at what I call “e…


Only the fairy story ends “They lived happily ever after.” Success always obsoletes the very behavior that achieved it. It always creates new realities. It always creates, above all, its own and different problems. It is not easy for the m…


While it lasts, the niche strategy is the most profitableentrepreneurial strategy. What all niche strategies have in common is that they are unlikely to endure forever. One threat is for the niche to be outflanked, and especially by techno…


With the specialty-market strategy the innovator must createa small but profitable new market. The final niche strategy is to establish a specialty-market niche big enough to be profitable but small enough not to make it worthwhile for pot…


If the specialty skill is properly maintained the innovator is usually protected against competition. The second ecological niche is the specialty-skill strategy. Here the niche an innovator occupies is just as unique as in the tollbooth s…

sbt tutorial

sbt (Scala Build Tool) とは、ビルドツール https://github.com/harrah/xsbt ビルドツールとは、 コンパイルツール コンパイル以外にも、以下を行う 依存ライブラリのダウンロード(ivyの機能) ユニットテスト実行 jarファイル生成 Scala版Ant play2 コマ…


The fourth major entrepreneurial strategy, occupying an ecological niche, allows an innovator to establish a virtual monopoly in a small niche market. The first niche strategy is the tollbooth strategy. Under the tollbooth strategy, the i…


関数リテラル 定義(引数名: 引数の型, ...) => { 複数の式} 変数に代入できる(変数として使用可能) プリミティブ型(基本型)である(関数リテラルが存在する) メソッド 定義アクセス修飾子 def メソッド名(引数名: 引数の型, ...): 戻り値の型 = { 複数…


関数型は データの加工 y = f(x) xという入力に対して、yという出力を行う処理 メソッドチェーンによる横型の定義 共通処理を実装する Scalaで言う、関数リテラル 業務 状態の変更 メールを送る subject という入力に対して、mail -s subject a@hoge.comをev…